Science units
Sometimes it is important to facilitate a deeper dive into a specific learning area, which is why we have created our Science units.
Each of these sequences includes between 5 and 7 activities designed to specifically address a learning area in a single year level.
These tasks are sandwiched between pretesting and familiarisation activities and activities designed for students to demonstrate their understanding.
Foundation / Kindergarten - Science Units
Year 1 - Science Units
Year 2 - Science Units
Year 3 - Science Units
Please note that this unit addresses:
Year 5 content descriptors for VIC 2.0 and AUSv9, but
Year 3 descriptors for NESA
Year 4 - Science Units
Please note that this unit addresses:
Year 4 content descriptors for VIC 2.0 and AUSv9
Year 5 content descriptors for NESA
Year 5 - Science Units
Please note that this unit addresses:
Year 5 content descriptors for VIC 2.0 and AUSv9
Year 3 content descriptors for NESA
Please note that this unit addresses:
Year 4 content descriptors for VIC 2.0 and AUSv9
Year 5 content descriptors for NESA
Year 6 - Science Units