Teacher Q & A: What should I hear in the classroom?

listening classroom

ANSWER: Your ideal classroom should be full of students talking about their work.

‘Teaching without telling’ literally means instructing without speaking. A well organised immersion into your lesson will mean that the instructions may take only a few moments. A ‘teaching without telling’ lesson is like a well-planned maze. Students should know exactly what to do and where to go without you saying much at all.

A note about modelling

When you introduce a new skill it is good to model this for your students. You should see this as role playing, rather than instruction, where you pretend to be a student and complete the task at hand. If you can, get one of your students to help you model the task. When modelling use a relevant example but not one that is part of the task you are asking them to do.


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Teacher Q & A: How should I expend my energy as a teacher?